Rewatching Oscar

On the Waterfront (1954)

Jack Ferdman Season 5 Episode 73

There is no doubt that this film has a backstory that is fairly controversial. Director Elia Kazan testified to Congress and the HUAC hearings, and named names. There are many people who became his enemy, and never forgave him. However, undoubtedly, his film On the Waterfront is a true classic. A great story about redemption, incredible direction, and amazing performances by the entire cast, including a legendary one by one of the greatest actors of all time, Marlon Brando in his Oscar-winning role.  The film doesn't feel dated at all, but revisiting it over seven decades later, should it still be regarded as the best of 1954?

Listen to film critic Jack Ferdman's take on it as he analyzes everything about On the Waterfront, as well as many other films from that year, and hear which film he gives his Rewatch Oscar of 1954.

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Music by Turpac
Show Producer: Jack Ferdman
Podcast Logo Design: Jack Ferdman

Movie (audio) trailer courtesy of MovieClips Classic Trailers
Movie (audio) clips courtesy of YouTube

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