Rewatching Oscar

The Deer Hunter (1978)

Jack Ferdman Season 4 Episode 55

Many great films came out in 1978 ... several because  Hollywood began to tell stories of what soldiers experienced both during the Vietnam war that had just ended a few years before, and also how they dealt with coming home.   The Deer Hunter was one of those films.  Director and screenwriter Michael Cimino created a layered, powerful, and very raw film about three men dealing with this situation.  The performances are incredible and it's incredible technically. However, looking back, did The Deer Hunter deserve the Oscar for Best Picture? 

Listen to film critic Jack Ferdman's take on it as he analyzes everything about The Deer Hunter as well as many other films from that year, and hear which film he gives his Rewatch Oscar of 1978 to.

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Music by Turpac
Show Producer: Jack Ferdman
Podcast Logo Design: Jack Ferdman

Movie (audio) trailer courtesy of MovieClips Classic Trailers
Movie (audio) clips courtesy of YouTube

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Tags: OscarsAcademy AwardsBest PicturewinnermoviesfilmreviewRewatching Oscarpodcast

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